Thread: 1841 UK Census
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Old 17-11-10, 22:02
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kiterunner kiterunner is offline
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Yikes, your links keep taking me to the ranked search and I'm not used to that one! Anyway, I can't see any Williams born Ireland in that lot. Not sure what you mean about having to pay? It depends what sub you have at the moment and what sub you would need to upgrade to, I suppose, but if you're going to pay just to search the Scottish censuses I would recommend you try FreeCEN first as it has a lot of Scottish coverage (and is free, of course!), and then Scotland's People, because although you will have to pay on there, you might well end up having to look at the images on there even if you paid to view transcriptions on ancestry - the ancestry transcriptions are, um, variable in quality and you might have to check whether they're right!

The William Lachlan at the top of the list from your first link is on FreeCEN and was born Renfrewshire, by the way.

Family History News updated 21st May
Lancashire Non-conformist records new on Ancestry
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